Awkward Moments In Concealed Carry: Check Out My Empty Holster!

Browsing the CCW subreddit, you’ll find many great stories from fellow concealed carriers. One story in particular stood out, because I’ve been there.

When we are law-abiding, we sacrifice our safety and it forces us to make necessary adjustments to what we’re doing throughout our day. Necessary to stay law-abiding, that is.

As a perfect example of this, take a look at the story below:

Took my mom to a Blackhawks game last night. First time I’ve been to the United Center since last season. They’ve installed walk-through metal detectors since last time I was there. I had removed my gun and secured it in my vehicle because I know concealed carry isn’t legal in the stadium, but I was still wearing my empty Alien Gear 3.0 holster because removing it in the car is a royal pain in the ass. It set off the metal detector.

“What’s this right here?”

“Thats a holster. There’s no weapon in it.” Lifts shirt to show that it’s empty

“What? Why?”

“It’s a pain to take on and off.”

“Where’s the gun?”

“In my car.”

“Are you sure?”


I’ve been there, particularly at the Post Office. Sure the gun free zone laws are absurd, but we want to be law-abiding… right?

The only thing I would have done differently; not telling the staff member that my firearm was in my car. Instead, “It’s in a safe place, unable to come to my aid should I need it because of a law that hinders my ability to protect myself inside your stadium.”

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