
Three People Shot After Drive-By Shooting Near Vegas Strip

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — Three people were shot by someone passing in front of a bar in a vehicle, and police say it likely stemmed from a fight that broke out a few moments earlier.

Police say a fight broke out in the parking lot and that a short time later, a vehicle drove by and someone fired the shots.

Happening at 3 am, it’s important to remember what we’re doing and who we’re doing things with. Vegas can be a different place, with tourists up at all hours of the night and taking everything in, but it’s important to remember that we’re not immune to these types of situations.

Most people visiting will likely stay on the strip for most, if not all of their trip. Venturing further can lead you to some less than desirable locations, and it’s important to know which areas are more prone to violence.

Just like any location, be mindful of where you are and what’s happening around you. If a fight breaks out, get yourself to a different location. Because if you stick around, you could be the one who is shot when the drive-by happens.

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