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Despite Statewide Ban, This CA School District Is Keeping Its Staff Armed

ANDERSON, CALIFORNIA — California’s Senate Bill 707 was thought to be the proverbial “nail in the coffin” when it came to the gun debate over school zones.  That bill effectively lobotomized any attempt for a lawful concealed carrier to be on a school zone because it first requires the written permission of school district officials.  Effectively, a concealed carrier would need “two permits” — one to carry a concealed firearm in the State of California and another separate written permission slip allowing that person to carry on those specific school grounds.

Pretend you have to travel between multiple school districts for your job — now you would need multiple permission slips allowing you to go onto their campuses with the same concealed carry handgun.

Thankfully, that clause is more than enough for one school district to continue to keep their staff, teachers, and administrators legally armed and ready to handle whatever comes their way.

Via KRCR 7

Senate Bill 707 prohibits “a person from possessing a firearm in a place that the person knows, or reasonably should know, is a school zone, unless with the written permission of certain school district officials.”

Unlike in other parts of California, where guns are left to the sole domain of police and hardened criminals, Anderson residents are actually quite pleased with their school board’s continuance of this policy.  That includes the police chief.

It is definitely a pro to have people armed, responsible people armed who have been vetted and can actually provide another layer of protection for the kids. That’s the bottom line, if it provides more protection for our children, how can you be against it?” Anderson Police Chief Mike Johnson asked.

However, Chief Johnson said that he still supported the policy of needing to request written permission from the school prior to carrying concealed on school grounds.

“Just because someone is a CCW holder doesn’t make them the right person to be armed on campus,” Johnson added.

So, for now, parents and outside educators wishing to gain admission to the school will have to strictly abide by California law and ensure they are properly checked in with the school prior to entering campus with their concealed handguns.

This is an additional, vetted layer of protection and it ultimately shows that our nation’s schools require their community participants to stand ready and defend each other and their children from outside, violent aggressors.

Imagine a country where Americans went out of their way to protect one another from violent assault and everyone stood ready to protect each other’s children from bad guys… That almost sounds like a country worth fighting for, isn’t it?

For now, Anderson’s school board has gotten the praise of its police chief and plenty of parents and students.  It’s an example for the rest of the state to follow, for sure.

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