An Open Letter To Rodney McMullen, CEO Of Kroger, And The Entire Kroger Family, Regarding Shannon Watts And Moms Demand Action

Dear Mr. McMullen and the rest of the Kroger family,

This Country is filled with people that are passionate about so many topics, and will do what they feel in their heart is right to help further their cause toward the goal that they desire.

This holds true for both sides of any debate, and I would like to personally thank the Manager at one of your Ohio locations who turned down the acceptance of a petition generated by the group Moms Demand Action, that was seeking to do nothing more than snap a photograph of a Kroger employee with his or her hands on the petition as if looking to receive it.

The stance of the company wouldn’t even matter.

Had she accepted it simply as a polite gesture, it would have opened the doors to so much more from MDA to try and force your company into making a policy decision and/or public statement regarding this issue that, mind you, is only an issue because MDA has made it one.

As many know, this campaign began after an old photo surfaced of a man open carrying a firearm in one of your stores. The fact that the man and the organization he belongs to have since changed their policies has had absolutely no effect on the campaign targeting Kroger that was started by MDA.

As a responsible firearms owner, I do not require yourself or Kroger to make a public statement on this topic. I do not intimidate, and I continue to feel bad for the companies across the Country who are forced into the corner by groups such as MDA.

In fact, a company that remains silent on this issue speaks volumes to me. It shows me that you have indeed been forced into a corner and do not want to upset or offend either side, as you likely remain neutral on the topic. And if I had to guess, you’d like to keep it that way. After all, it’s your right as a business to make decisions you see fit.

As a responsible citizen who carries a firearm on a daily basis, I commend your manager’s actions when faced with an important decision, and please know that members of the carry community will not be stopping by your locations with a petition to try and force you into saying “We welcome firearms in our store”.

Thank you.


Editor, Concealed Nation

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