• How To Deal With Bad Neighbors

    How To Deal With Bad Neighbors

    If you’re a homeowner, you have a deed. For most people, that deed is in the slimy hands of their mortgage lender. But, on that deed, there’s usually a description of the plot of land that a home rests upon. And at the town officer, that deed lines up with a plot of surveyed land.…

  • Defensive Scenario: What Happens If Someone Threatens You With A Fake Gun?

    All it takes is a split second. A bad guy pulls out a gun while you’re pumping gas or walking up to an ATM and you have no time to decide how to react. As a concealed carrier, you know your life is on the line every day you step foot out of the home.…

  • Do Guns Change Your Behavior And Other Aspects In Life? Here’s My Story

    Ever find that by getting into one hobby, others are improved? That’s what I found out when I started getting into guns about ten years ago. Even though I had spent time in the military, I found that I really didn’t know as much about guns as I thought I did. Through training and adhering…

  • 5 Factors Many Police Look At After A Defensive Gun Shooting

    Because we’ve written extensively on self-defense related news and especially events involving gun owners and concealed carriers, we here at Concealed Nation have some unique insight into how police appear to react to a defensive gun shooting. In this article, we’re going to cite prior articles and examples as a means to show how a…

  • Armed And Homeless Part II: Concealed Carry Edition

    Continued from Part I. Flop houses. In New Hampshire, it gets cold. It gets cold and stays cold for a long time. If you’re poor and you don’t have a place to sleep, chances are good you’ll end up finding floor space in a flop house. This is where homeless people who can’t get into…

  • How To Price A Used Gun

    How To Price A Used Gun

    If you’re like me, you opened your gun safe after the holidays and realized somebody’s gotta go. Looking through my pistol and rifle selection, I tried to gauge what I could part with and what was worth the most. That Mosin Nagant from 1934? I picked it up for $120 back in 2008. Gunbroker offers…

  • Armed And Homeless Part I: Homeless Veteran Tells His Story

    I work with a local Veteran’s group and we often do activities like get warm jackets and food to the local veteran’s homeless shelter. This shelter is located in Manchester and works specifically with just homeless vets. Right now, the temperature in New Hampshire hovers around single digits. Good food, calories, and warm clothing aren’t…

  • [READER QUESTION] Will My Guns Get Confiscated If I Seek Mental Health Treatment?

    READER: “Recently, I went through a really bad divorce and I’ve been struggling with deep depression. I’m worried that if I see a psychiatrist, the state can use that as grounds to take my guns. Is there a way to get help without risking my right to own guns?” DISCLAIMER: I’m not an attorney. My…

  • Concealed Carry: How To Handle Prying Hands

    As concealed carriers, we’re mindful of hands. Walking through a crowded place, it may be inevitable for people to bump into you. In some situations, it’s unavoidable that someone will put their hands on you. Someone who is concealing a handgun on his person should be mindful of who touches him or her and how.…