Police Kill Gunman Who Attempted To Hijack Helicopter

HILLSBORO, OR — A man was shot and killed after he broke into an airport and attempted to hijack a helicopter, The Oregonian reports.

What prevented him from getting away? Responsibly-armed citizens, of course.

Check out the report by local news:

It was 11:23 a.m. when the masked man went up to a helicopter with a flight instructor and student inside as it was warming up with its rotar spinning overhead at Hillsboro Aero Academy, said Lt. Henry Reimann, a Hillsboro police spokesman. The man opened the door, pointed a gun at the student and ordered the student out.

When the student hesitated, the man fired one round away from the helicopter and the student got out and ran away, Reimann said. He then went to the other side of the helicopter and pointed a gun at the instructor, who was also the pilot. He ordered the instructor out and then jumped in.

Employees from Hillsboro Aero, armed with personal firearms, held the man at gunpoint, Hillsboro police said.

Shortly after, Hillsboro police arrived, Reimann said.

The man ran from the helicopter, went back over the barbed-wire fence and fled across Cornell Road near the Comfort Inn.

A second Hillsboro police officer encountered the man in a field and shot him, Reimann said. The man died at the scene.

Who knows why the guy wanted a helicopter, but if he thought he was going to get a free ride, he was grossly mistaken.

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