
Early Morning Heist At The Bellagio Gets Tense When Suspects Can’t Start Their Car

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — It’s been a busy day on the Las Vegas strip after armed robbers sacked a Rolex store inside the Bellagio Hotel and Casino. Three men are believed to be connected to the event and they began their robbery at approximately 1:30 a.m. and used sledgehammers to smash the glass encasing the Rolex watches.

Guests and visitors, according to CNN, were not hurt during the incident itself but after the robbers escaped to the parking garage to get their vehicle, the vehicle failed to stop. This prompted them to attempt to carjack a vehicle.

The men were wearing suits and at least one had a pig mask on. They have not been identified at this point but one of them is believed to be in custody.

Las Vegas police were extremely quick to respond and within moments, locked down portions of the strip around the Bellagio.

One of the most recognized casinos on the strip, the Bellagio has a staunch no firearms policy for guests and visitors. In fact, most every hotel and casino I’ve heard of that’s one the strip doesn’t allow firearms to be carried in by guests and visitors.

The way they allay those concerns is by having added armed security and police which are traditionally fast to respond to incidences. However, no armed service can guarantee safety. These robbers weren’t likely looking for a fight so much as to snag those watches.

In instances like that, stay out of it. Take cover. Find a place to barricade yourself until police arrive. I’m basically ascribing the same policies I’d use in an event that happened later that same day on the strip. That involved a lone individual who shot and killed one person and severely injured another. He surrendered to police later this afternoon after they cordoned him off.

As concealed carriers, we’re obliged to follow the law. That means when a private establishment says ‘no firearms allowed’, then, unfortunately, we have to abide so long as that signage is alongside the intent of state law.

We have to rely on our situational awareness and good planning to figure these things out. Because this event happened at 1:30 a.m., most of the patrons in the casino were likely more than a little inebriated. This creates a static chaos as people’s inhibitions are lowered and their judgement is impaired. Thankfully, everyone pretty much stayed low and stayed safe.

Gun free zones, man. Gun free zones…

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