
Burglar, Trying To Escape, Is Shot By Homeowner. Note: The Law Will Not Be On Your Side

By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG

“The homeowner gave us some pretty good details- but we want to know a little bit more as to what caused him to fire at the suspect.” That’s copspeak for This isn’t a clear self-defense situation and we’re probably going to charge the homeowner. 

The incident in question happened Wednesday morning in Fresno, California. The homeowner’s Ring system alerted him to an attempted break-in — the second in two weeks at the home. That’s when, according to abc30.com, the homeowner grabbed a gun and made his way outside.

By that time detectives were told, the suspect had jumped a fence and was running.

At some point, the homeowner confronted the attempted burglar, and several shots were fired.

Police found the wounded perp not far away with multiple gunshot wounds. And the news report says “there’s no evidence leading investigators to believe the suspect had a weapon. “

Ruh roh.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…don’t chase a fleeing burglar or attacker. Once you do, you lose benefit of the doubt in the eyes of the law.

Did the would be burglar turn and face the homeowner who was running after him? Was the burglar armed? Did he attack the homeowner? All of these questions are what the detective quoted in the story above will try to determine. And if the police believe the homeowner wasn’t in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm when he pulled the trigger, he will likely be charged with assault or even attempted murder.

Being burglarized is traumatizing. Being targeted twice in two week is doubly so. But once you see the punk running off into the night, dial 911. Secure your home and let them handle it from there. When you chase a fleeing criminal,  you risk freedom and your gun rights.

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