Anti Gunner LOL Of The Day: Are You Ready For The 2015 Texas F ear Festival?

Sometimes it’s tough to make friends sometimes in this industry. But then again, some people are better off not making the list.

Our friends over at TTAG are putting on their 2nd Annual Texas Firearms Festival which runs November 14th and 15th. (ps: we’ll be there, and you should be too)

Part of their advertising campaign consists of a billboard prominently letting the fine folks of Texas that the festivities are right around the corner. Some of those folks, however, wanted to send a message to TTAG & Co that they don’t approve of their Triple F (Fear-Filled Festivities).

If you take a good look at the image above, you’ll see that these clever vandals painted over a few of the letters in F-I-R-E-A-R-M-S so that it simply reads F-E-A-R.

The ironic thing is; the try-to-get-their-point-across’ers are now criminals. The people putting on the festival still aren’t.

Press release from The Texas Firearms Festival

Person or persons unknown have defaced an Austin-area billboard for the Texas Firearms Festival, scheduled for November 14 and 15. The vandals obscured some of the text on the sign on East 11th St. It now reads “Texas Fear Festival.” The show’s organizers are amused but not amazed at the transformation . . .

“Just in time for Halloween!” Festival organizer Lee Johnson says. “We sincerely hope that the people responsible will contact us for free tickets to the Texas Firearms Festival, although they’ll have to provide proof that they’re responsible for this act of vandalism, which we may be tempted to turn over to the Austin police. You know; as a matter of civic duty.”

Johnson points out that the Texas Firearms Festival is nothing to be afraid of. “While the anti-gunners who defaced our sign believe in gun-free zones, we reckon the Texas Firearms Festival at Best of the West Shooting Sports – an open carry event with 3000 people enjoying 40 live-fire demonstration positions – will be one of the safest places in Texas come November 14 and 15.”

What’s more, “Gun owners don’t live in fear. Why would they? They’re armed in their own defense.” As for the Texas Firearms Festival’s modified sign, Johnson is a believer in the idea that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. “The only thing that frightens me is what I’m going to tell people when tickets sell out.”


Help prove the vandals wrong and scare Lee! Click here and buy your tickets to the Texas Firearms Festival, November 14 and 15 at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill (just NW of Austin).

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