
Darwin Award: Home Invader Shoots Self In Foot During Robbery

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS — A group of four armed suspects broke into an apartment, apparently looking for drugs. A woman and her boyfriend were home at the time, and she told police that the armed men appeared to be looking for specific things in the room of the boyfriend’s roommate.

One armed robber was carrying around a sawed off shotgun and during the robbery, literally shot himself in the foot. This dum-dum wound up driving himself to the hospital with an injured foot, thanks to his own stupidity.

Police found large bags of marijuana and drug paraphernalia in the roommate’s room when they arrived to the scene.

The woman told police that she didn’t know the roommate very well, and that her boyfriend had just moved into the apartment a week ago.

What did we learn:

A) Criminals are still stupid
B) We should still be arming ourselves
C) Every idiot that we report on will automatically earn the nickname Dum Dum

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