Home Invasion Gone Wrong: Do You Answer Your Door Armed And Ready To Go?

ORANGE COUNTY, FL — A pair of robbers disguised as delivery men gain easy access into a home in Florida where they tie up a woman at gunpoint in front of her child and begin to rob the house.

A man who was also inside the house heard screaming and turned his focus to a surveillance system installed.

“He overhead screaming in the house and he looked on the home surveillance system, just like you can buy from any company, and and saw what was going on,” Sheriff’s Office Detective Jason Sams said. “He had a shotgun and armed himself, which probably prevented any more harm to the rest of the family.”

The pair of thugs took off after being chased by the armed man, and ended up crashing their vehicle not far down the road where police were able to apprehend them.

As stated earlier, this pair of criminals were able to –relatively easily– gain access into the home by posing as delivery men, fake package and all.

So it begs the question, do you answer your door armed and ready to go? If so, what are the steps you go through when you answer the door for someone unknown to you? Do you open the door all the way? Do you stay inside or do you step outside? Let us know in the comments section below.

ScreenHunter_330 Mar. 16 15.49

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