
Concealed Carry Training: How Would You Handle These Two Scenarios?

From time to time, I am going to have some articles that throw out hypothetical situations that could happen while you’re carrying, and ask what you would do based on the information given. It’s always important to play through an entire scenario all the way to the end. If you want, walk through different steps that you may take, depending on what happens next. It’s all up to you. Many times, we stop at “I’d shoot the bad guy” and don’t go beyond that. Let’s change that each time a new scenario comes up. Play them out.

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For each scenario, we’re going to assume that you’re carrying your firearm. After all, it’s no good anywhere else if you need it immediately. Here’s a quick list of things to consider while you’re deciding what you’d do:

– Assess whether you draw your firearm or not
– Figure out what to do to get others out of harm’s way, if necessary
– It’s up to you to decide what happens beyond the information given for each scenario

Example: If someone is trying to break into your house, it’s up to you to finish the rest of the story. Maybe the bad guy got in… what do you do then? Maybe you scared him off by yelling through the door that you are armed. The playing field is wide open.

Scenario #1

You’ve just pumped gas and are walking into the gas station to buy a candy bar and a soda. As you’re walking back outside, you see a man opening your driver-side door of your vehicle that is still at the pump. He’s wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and you don’t see any visible weapons. He looks to be about 50 lbs heavier than you, 4-5 inches taller, and roughly the same age. You are about 50 feet away and he’s just sitting down in the seat. You can see him fumbling around inside, and you assume he’s looking for keys or valuables. Every single pump at the station is occupied, so many people are in the immediate area. What do you do?

Scenario #2:

It’s 11pm on a Friday night and you’re inside your home watching a movie with your family. For the purposes of this scenario, you are home with your wife/husband and two children, aged 3 and 5 (yes, the kids are still up). You hear a very loud knock at the front door. As you get up off the couch, you see a shadow figure walk past your back window. Someone else continues to knock loudly at your door. What do you do?


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