
[NSFW] Miami PD Doesn’t Mess Around When Protesters Turn Violent

We’ve seen things slowing down over the past week, and that’s been a welcomed thing. Much was destroyed, many lives were lost, and the Country was in chaos. It’s nowhere near over, but the calmness is welcomed nonetheless.

We’ve seen it all. The good and the bad, from both protesters and police.

The Miami PD, however, wasn’t playing around in the video below. Once their vehicle was attacked, while occupied, they hit the ‘hell no’ button and took action.

The guy filming is constantly saying, “LOOK AT THE COPS!”, as if to draw attention to them doing something wrong. In fact, the reality is that they’re not using excessive force at all, based on what was occurring.

From a citizen standpoint, this could most likely be grounds for the use of lawful self-defense. After all, you have a mob of people violently attacking a vehicle that you’re in. You’d be right to be afraid for your life.

The video below is NSFW, as it contains strong language.

How do you think these officers handled the situation? Chime in below.

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