Pennsylvania Teachers May Be Allowed To Carry Firearms In The Classroom

While some lawmakers are trying to make the process of obtaining a firearm more difficult, others are pushing for the exact opposite. Just last week Missouri passed a new law allowing teachers to carry concealed guns in school once they complete standardized training on using and carrying a firearm. And now it looks like Pennsylvania might be following Missouri’s lead.

Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania are pushing for teachers with a concealed carry permit to be able to carry guns on school property. Senate Bill 1193, which was introduced back in November 2013, has been getting a variety of responses recently. Some people believe that it’s a good idea and it will improve security and will better protect students from any potential harm. However, Senator Anthony Williams does not agree with the idea.

Back in July, the governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, vetoed a very similar bill for their state, but was overridden by the senate. If the bill is passed, the heads of each school district will be able to decide if they want teachers in their district to carry firearms in school.

Just like in Missouri, the only teachers who would be permitted to carry guns would have to be selected, would have to possess a concealed carry permit, and would have to complete the standardized training.

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