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Father Vs Daughter: Domestic Dispute in Shreveport Ends in Self-Defense Shooting

A domestic shooting in Shreveport ended without charges after investigators determined the father acted in self-defense. Witnesses confirmed the account, and a firearm was recovered from the daughter’s belongings.

SHREVEPORT, LA (2-minute read) — Detectives from Shreveport Police Department’s Domestic Violence Unit responded to a shooting on Sassafras Street late Saturday night, January 4. The incident, involving a father and daughter, unfolded when the woman arrived at Ochsner LSU Health with a non-life-threatening gunshot wound to her leg.

According to police reports, the woman claimed her father shot her. However, during questioning, the father alleged that he acted in self-defense after she threatened to kill him and moved toward the trunk of her vehicle, where he believed she had a firearm. Detectives corroborated the father’s account with multiple witnesses and recovered a handgun from the daughter’s belongings.

Given the evidence, no charges have been filed, and the father has been released from custody. The incident highlights the complexities of domestic disputes involving firearms and underscores the need for de-escalation and situational awareness in such cases.

The case underscores the importance of firearm safety and the challenges law enforcement faces when investigating domestic violence incidents. It also emphasizes the need for individuals to understand self-defense laws and practice de-escalation whenever possible.

Safety Tip: Always prioritize de-escalation during tense domestic situations and seek to retreat or call authorities when possible. Firearms should only be used as a last resort for self-defense and must be handled responsibly.

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