
Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Believed Businesses Were Spreading Rumors About Him Being A Pedophile

The Lewiston mass shooting, which left 18 dead and 13 injured, is now linked to his delusions. Investigations reveal that Card believed local businesses, including Just-In-Time Recreation and Schemengees Bar & Grille where the shootings took place, were falsely labeling him a pedophile online.

Police documents indicate that Card’s mental health deteriorated after a breakup in February. He was hospitalized and prescribed medication, which he discontinued. His brother mentioned Card’s past relationship with a woman he met at a cornhole competition at the bar. A friend corroborated this, noting Card’s paranoia about being called a pedophile, particularly concerning the woman’s daughters, whom he took to Schemengees.

Further, Card’s son reported his father’s ongoing paranoia and institutionalization due to these delusions.

Maine authorities had received multiple warnings about Card’s mental decline and potential for violence. In May, Card’s family informed the Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office about his paranoia, mentioning his acquisition of numerous firearms. The family’s concerns led deputies to contact Card’s Army Reserve Unit for intervention.

In September, after threats of a shooting and displaying psychotic behavior during training at Camp Smith, New York, Card was hospitalized for 14 days but released on August 3.

Efforts to conduct a welfare check on Card in September were unsuccessful. Although deputies couldn’t reach Card, they spoke with his brother, who promised to secure Card’s firearms. A state-wide alert about Card’s dangerous behavior was issued but canceled a week before the shooting.

This tragic incident underscores the complex interplay of mental health issues, access to firearms, and challenges in preventive intervention. This case, however, had multiple opportunities to flag Card as a person who was a danger to himself and the public. Sadly, action wasn’t taken, but the laws are already on the books.

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