
Why We Carry: Clerk Stabbed 9 Times By Felon For No Reason At All

DAVENPORT, FLORIDA — A RaceTrac employee is recovering after being stabbed by a convicted felon. The incident occurred on Monday morning when police say Marc Caseaf Tucker entered the store. The victim, who was preparing to stock food merchandise, offered assistance to Tucker, but he declined.

Suddenly, Tucker approached her from behind and began stabbing her in the back and side. The victim managed to flee briefly, but Tucker caught up with her and stabbed her multiple times in the chest. Eventually, she escaped again, and Tucker fled into the nearby woods.

Although other clerks in the store did not witness the attack, they heard the victim’s screams and saw Tucker running away. They immediately came to her aid until paramedics arrived. The victim suffered nine stab wounds and was promptly transported to a local hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, Tucker was apprehended in a wooded area near the store and now faces charges of attempted first-degree murder.

Police Chief Steve Parker condemned the incident as an unprovoked, random attack. He commended the victim for her resistance and fighting spirit, which contributed to her survival. The police department expressed its support for the victim’s swift recovery and assured the public that they would ensure Tucker is held accountable for his senseless actions.

Tucker, originally from Winter Haven, is currently homeless. His criminal record dates back to 2013 and includes charges of domestic violence battery, assault, theft, and resisting arrest. In January 2023, he was released from the Florida State Prison system after serving less than a year of a 20-month sentence for battery on a law enforcement officer. Recently, Tucker was arrested for trespassing and released from the Polk County Jail on April 11.

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