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Mother Of Two Shoots Home Invader After Jumping Out Of The Shower

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN – A Milwaukee mother of two shot a home invader on August 15. The mother is requesting she not be identified and she has claimed self-defense.

The incident began when the woman was in the shower and she heard her 12 and 14-year-old children screaming from the living room. The children noticed a man attempting to invade their home and the family’s pitbulls began attacking the man. Despite the dogs’ attempts to slow him down, the mother said “he wouldn’t stop coming.”

She then quickly went to her bedroom and retrieved her firearm, returned through the hallway, and shot the intruder several times. The intruder has not been identified but law enforcement did disclose that he was a male in his 30s and was acting erratically.  

The mother was apprehended by Milwaukee police and subsequently released after a short time of questioning. The children have stated that they were frightened by the incident and the family has plans to move out of the house.

The mother initially purchased the firearm approximately a decade ago after she discovered a random man sleeping under her son’s bed. Her neighbors are calling her a “hero,” and she said she had no issue doing what she had to do.

“I knew I’d be able to do it [shoot the intruder],” she said. “To protect my kids.”

In the City of Milwaukee, overall crime is up 24 percent from 2020 to 2022, but home burglaries are down 38 percent during the same time frame.

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