We Are Taking A Few Days Off For The First Time In Years

Pending any breaking news, we will be taking a mini-vacation for Memorial Day weekend, to unwind and reflect on the events from this week.

Concealed Nation began in January 2013 as Brandon’s response to the Sandy Hook school shooting the month prior. The goal was to establish a dialog surrounding the thoughts on armed faculty being in every school, and where that thought fit into society.

Fast forward 9 years and here we are again, with a second mass shooting at an elementary school that took the lives of 19 children and 2 adults.

While progress has been made across the Country with armed resource officers now in many schools, it still doesn’t address the question of armed, trained and responsible faculty.

In addition, the mental health crisis in this Country has yet to be addressed.

Brandon will have a detailed article upcoming on these topics. Until then, have a safe Memorial Day weekend, and remember those who have lost their lives to protect our freedoms that we enjoy today.

We will be back to work on Tuesday, May 31st.

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