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NASCAR Legend Shoots At Masked Men Breaking Into His Home

DAVIDSON COUNTY, N.C. — Three men who hid their faces behind masks attempted to break into the home of NASCAR Legend Richard Childress, reports WCNC.

The attempt took place Sunday night, and the entire situation must have made Childress happy that North Carolina has an adequate castle law.

According to reports, just before 10:30 p.m. a glass panel was broken beside a door, triggering the home security system.

Then things got violent in an awful big hurry.

According to WCNC:

Investigators said Childress armed himself and fired shots at the three robbery suspects. Sheriff Grice said it does not appear that any of the suspects were injured before getting away. Sheriff Grice said due to the NC Castle Doctrine a person has the right to defend themselves against this type of intrusion.

Childress told Grice that he felt, “the only reason he and his wife were here today was because of God and the Second Amendment.”… Childress is offering a $10K reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of those involved.

As a born-and-raised child of the great Tar Heel State, I couldn’t be more proud.

What astounds me about this more than anything else, actually, has nothing to do with Childress.

Childress is a celebrity, and he is armed — great.

Why aren’t we hearing about the ransacking of celebrities’ homes all the time — Hollywood in particular?

God knows entirely too many of them are anti-gun, among other things, and then the answer occurred to me, as it should have sooner: they hire people to do their protecting for them.


Although I would never do that, even if I were a rich and famous steely-eyed actor, I can see why someone might see the appeal.

But for us wee common folk, we’ll have to stick with armed preparedness.

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