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10,000 Automatic Rifles Handed Out To Ukraine Citizens In The Last Few Hours; 57 Ukrainian Citizens Killed, 169 Wounded, According To Health Minister

The interior minister of Ukraine has announced that 10,000 automatic rifles have been handed out to civilians in just the last few hours. This moves comes as Russian forces are said to be advancing into the Country, some of which can be seen in the videos below.

In the weeks and months prior to the attack, which sadly is just beginning, the Ukrainian government had been arming and training citizens to fight against any possible Russian invasion.

Reports from social media are coming in that talk of death and destruction already occurring in Ukraine. The assault on the country began last night, and the citizens of Ukraine woke up to a completely different world.

The Ukrainian Health Minister states that as a result of the invasion, 57 Ukrainian citizens have been killed and another 169 injured. This number is likely to be increased as the fighting continues.

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