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[PRODUCT REVIEW] Advantage Tactical Sights

These are neat. A different concept from your typical 3-dot sights, Advantage Tactical Sights offer a bit of geometry by having the user make a pyramid with their rear and front sights. During the review, I quickly found out that it didn’t take any getting used to.

Advantage Tactical Sights are dubbed “The Problem Solving Sight”. The evidence is far and wide, and each point touched on does indeed make sense.

The Setup

When I received my sights, they came in a nice package with instructions and an array of different sights and accessories to make the experience unique.

Included with each purchase are 5 different colored front sights, 5 different colored rear sights, some elevation shims, and any hardware that you will need to remove your factory sights and install your new ones (such as hex keys).


For the colors, I chose to use green for the rear and white for the front. With the package, I also received their Firefly front sights which are their version of night sights. Really awesome little things that show up great in low light conditions. Below is a picture of how the night sights look on a Glock 23:



The install of these sights is pretty straight forward. For myself, I was installing them on a G27 and it was a breeze. Watch the video below for an indepth install from start to finish.

*Note that the video above is not mine, but he does an excellent job showing the install in it’s entirety.


[ad location=”Posts – Middle Post”]Once installed, I took my fancy new sights to the range. Honestly, I’ve never shot better. The way that this system works really floored me because it’s just so simple. Just make a pyramid. With your traditional dot sights, lining them up can sometimes be a problem and in my personal opinion are outdated. Other sight pictures have come into play over the years such as this one and a solid line system. They are welcomed improvements.

My Glock with no shims was just fine and was right on target (although most pistols will require the use of shims to ensure proper elevation). Bringing the firearm up to acquire the target is so dang easy and shaves time off for me personally.

For the photo below, I tried like heck to get the front site to focus, but it just wasn’t happening that day. As you can see though, setting up a pyramid is extremely easy and 2nd nature.




If you are looking for a move away from your traditional sight picture with something that installs quickly and looks great while being practical, these may be for you. I love seeing different and unique designs, and this sure fits the bill.

Visit the manufacturers website and Facebook page for more information.

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