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Police Unable To Identify Suspect’s Gender After Homeowner Opens Fire, Shooting The Suspect In The Face

HOUSTON, TEXAS — A now identified 31-year-old woman was killed when police say she and another suspect tried entering an armed homeowner’s door. The homeowner was in his kitchen when he noticed multiple people outside in his yard. He went and armed himself and when he came back, the suspects were trying to get in through the door.

The incident happened around 1:30 a.m. local time on Saturday.

The homeowner told police he opened fire. The woman was struck multiple times and died at the scene. When police arrived, they were unable to determine the gender of the suspect due to the severity of injuries.

Police say there were multiple other adults in the home at the time of the incident. None of them were reported to have any injuries.

Having your gun on you, if you’re up and about, is always a good idea. This allows you to gain quick access without needing to move to another location. Had the homeowner not seen the suspects out in the yard ahead of time, he could have figured out they were there after they already entered the home, and he’d be much more ill-prepared than he was with the warning.

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