
Road Rage Suspect Follows Truck Who Didn’t Hit Him, Then Shoots Him A Mile Down The Road

I’ll go ahead and guess that the gun isn’t legally owned…

Do you recognize the guy in the black car??? April 26 *middle of the day* around 4 p.m. — see that white truck? The driver backs out, gets very close to that black car at the pump, but doesn’t hit it. But, it was enough to annoy the driver. He gets out of the black car and approaches the white truck. The two drivers exchange some words. What happens next wasn’t caught on camera… Mark Herman, Harris County Constable Precinct 4 says the driver of the black car follows the white truck about a mile down the road and shoots the pick-up driver at a stoplight (on Stagewood Drive). The bullet went through his door and lodged in his leg. At least two rounds were fired–per the Precinct 4 press release. The shooter drove off and deputies are looking for him. Note his mannerisms. Investigators think he lives in the area. If you know him, call it in.

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