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Disturbing Video Shows Machete Attack Stopped By Armed Citizen

Lives can change in an instant, and that’s exactly what happened in the incident below. A man upset about being unable to find a job decides to take it out on some employees, and things happen quickly.

The suspect comes into frame and none of the employees are paying attention, including the woman who is brutally attacked first. With one swing of the machete, this woman is said to have had her life changed forever due to the injuries.

After the attack begins, we notice that one of the other employees is armed and draws his gun, but things quickly turn physical as the suspect fights back.

This one is tough to watch, but offers a number of lessons, including:

  • Carrying against company policy
  • Paying attention to your surroundings
  • Possessing skills to succeed in hand to hand struggles

…and the list goes on.

Pay attention to the video below, and learn some lessons along with John.

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