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NBC Reporter: 2 Shot Dead In Kenosha “Tried To Intervene During The Alleged Shooting Rampage”

Certain media outlets are tearing into Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who fatally shot two people and injured another during riots in Kenosha, WI earlier this week. Plenty of video evidence from cell phone cameras shows a wild series of events, but none point to an ‘alleged shooting rampage’.

Still, NBD reporter Tim Stelloh had this to say in an article published on the website yesterday:

The two men, Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, were killed Tuesday when they tried to intervene during the alleged shooting rampage by the teenager. A third man, Gaige P. Grosskreutz, was also wounded in the attack.

Let’s be very clear about Joseph Rosenbaum: He had continuously been confrontational with a group of armed people who were there defending a gas station. This can be seen in part via the below video (beginning around the 0:30 mark).

Rosenbaum, in no way whatsoever, was trying to stop a shooter. He was on the attack earlier in the evening, and went after Kyle. This would ultimately be a bad decision for Rosenbaum.

Kyle, on the other hand, told a reporter why he was there earlier in the evening, and it’s not the type of interview that makes anyone think that he’s there to go on a ‘shooting rampage’, however he is prepared to defend himself if attacked.


And in the below video, Kyle is quick to offer his medical help to an injured protester.


Also yesterday, CNN had their own story about Kyle being struck in the head with ‘nothing but his skateboard’, as if a skateboard couldn’t be used as a deadly weapon.

This is where the confusion comes into play, with some believing that Kyle acted in self-defense while others believe he’s a cold-blooded killer. If facts were actually presented, and completely untrue lacking-common-sense articles were not published, the real scope of what happened can come to light for everyone.

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