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Deadly FL Road Rage Shooting Ruled Self-Defense After One Displays Firearms

Photo Copyright : schmidt13 / 123RF

SARASOTA, FLORIDA — A road rage incident Saturday night, where one vehicle was driven off the road, was ruled self-defense after the person coming under assault fired his gun at the approaching driver.

The names of both individuals was not made public under Marsy’s Law at the request of the families.

Here is how police say it all went down;

Around 5:15 p.m. on Saturday, deputies say Driver 1, a 32-year-old white male, was traveling eastbound on Buckeye Road near U.S. 301 while Driver 2, a 26-year-old white male, was traveling westbound. Deputies say Driver 1 was swerving in and out of his lane, eventually running Driver 2 off the road.

Driver 1 pulled over and Driver 2 circled his car back around, pulling up beside the vehicle and exchanging words with the driver. Deputies say Driver 1 walked up to the passenger side window of Driver 2′s vehicle, leaning inside.

Driver 2 told Driver 1 to back away and armed himself with a pistol. Driver 1 pulled out his own weapon and leveled it at Driver 2. That’s when deputies say Driver 2 fired, killing Driver 1.

via mysuncoast.com

Driver 2 then called 911 and waited at the scene for police to arrive. Driver 1 was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police deemed the use of deadly force justified after they investigated. Evidence found at the scene suggested to police that Driver 2 was the victim of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Driver 1 could have been trying to intimidate Driver 2 with his display of the firearm, but that’s absolutely an immediate and deadly threat. In this case, Driver 2 has every right to defend himself.

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