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Woman In Jail After Shooting Man Attacking Her, Man Set Free, All Because She Doesn’t Have A License To Carry

DECATUR, IILLINOIS — A woman, who shot her the 33-year-old father of her child after he attacked her, is sitting in jail on $75,000 bail. Her attacker is facing domestic battery charges, but he has since posted bond and is out.

[Sgt. Chris] Copeland said the woman had several injuries to her face from the man battering her while she was inside of her vehicle. She had a shunt in her head from a previous injury, and a blow to the head could be fatal, Copeland said.

The woman told police she shot the man in self-defense, Copeland said. He said the woman is not facing charges for the shooting, but is facing a preliminary charge of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for lack of a concealed carry license.

via herald-review.com

Police interviewed the man at the hospital to find out what happened, and he told them who had shot him. They contacted the 29-year-old woman, who came into the police station voluntarily.

The defensive use of a firearm isn’t the problem, here, but rather the fact that Illionos does not recognize her right to carry a firearm. Since she possessed no permit to carry, this otherwise law-abiding citizen is sitting in jail because she successfully saved her own life from a threat.

And, as stated above, the attacker walks free.

Where is the justice in this case? Let’s hope it comes in the form of charges dropped against this woman.

Keeping an eye on this one.

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