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Man Who Stole Police Car Is Shot And Killed By Armed Citizen During Attempted Armed Robbery

OPELOUSAS, LOUISIANA — An unmarked police car was stolen during a drug raid when the officer left the car running while running to help fellow officers.

During that brief time, 25-year-old Leon Jones III hopped in and drove off. Inside the vehicle were a rifle and body armor, at least some of which would be used by Jones later on.

That was just the beginning of a crime spree that would ultimately lead to his demise.

Jones drove the stolen vehicle 150 miles away, where he pointed a rifle at another driver in an attempt to steal his vehicle. That driver managed to get away, and Jones took off.

His next destination would prove to be his last.

About three or four miles down Highway 82 in Port Arthur, Jones stopped a Beaumont couple who were crabbing in the area and attempted to rob them. The husband retrieved a firearm from their vehicle and the two exchanged gunfire; Jones was fatally struck, the chief said.

via theadvocate.com

The husband was not injured, but his wife did suffer some cuts and other injuries. Police believe this was due to shattering glass during the shooting exchange.

I won’t labor on this, but it’s important: The husband, while successful in his defense against Jones, could have been even more successful if he had his firearm on his person. The need to move to a new location just to gain access to your firearm could be a costly risk, and one that is unnecessary if you’re able to carry.

We don’t have the luxury of knowing when violence will visit us, and we’ll always be at an initial disadvantage because of this. Staying as prepared as we can be is the best way to be ready, and maintaining awareness of what is happening around us.

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