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[WATCH] Quick Thinking College Student Gets Out Of Trunk After Being Kidnapped By Armed Felon

There are so many aspects to this story that make it a successful one, on the part of the female college student who escaped from a very dangerous man.

The incident found the young woman locked inside her own trunk while the bad guy drove around, trying to get funds from her bank accounts via ATM.

She kept her mind sharp and with a few steps, was able to gain her freedom as the suspect was driving away from the 2nd location.

First, she had a light with her so that she could see while in the dark trunk. With that vision, she was able to find the trunk release and bail from the vehicle that was in motion.

Give the video a watch below, and see what other lessons are learned from this incident.

Maybe the best part about this story; the suspect was eventually captured, and the judge sent him away to prison for life without the possibility of parole. Great job, Judge!

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