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Armed Rampage Results in 3 Different Instances of Shots Fired

NASHVILLE, TN — A group of armed teens on a rampage in Nashville very easily could have killed four people, and only one person in three altercations was able to present a firearm and defend themselves.

In every single instance, the robbers presented a deadly threat — even when they didn’t need to to accomplish their goals. The first reported instance was the only one in which there was any armed resistance, when an unnamed victim’s son came to her defense outside his home.

As WSMV reports:

The suspects were driving behind the female victim and bumped her car as she was turning into the alley near her son’s townhome.

According to police, one of the suspects got out of the car and tried to rob the victim at gunpoint. The victim drove into the parking area behind her son’s house and began honking her horn. The son came outside with a gun and one of the suspects allegedly fired first. The son fired at least three shots and the suspects drove away. Police said no one was injured. Police said the teens may have been involved in two other overnight armed robberies.

And boy were they involved. Not only did the teens perpetrate two other robberies that night, shots were fired at every single crime they were involved in. I mean, look at the details from this report:

At 10:40 p.m. on Tuesday, the victim was walking on Illinois Avenue near 47th Avenue North when a black four-door car pulled up next to him. A gunman in the backseat demanded his belongings. The victim complied. When the suspects drove off, a shot was fired into the air.

I think there’s a pretty easily conclusion to be drawn here, but let’s look into the third instance of the night before getting into the analysis:

Just after midnight Wednesday, a man noticed a black sedan following him. The driver of the sedan bumped the victim’s vehicle from behind at the intersection of Sawyer Brown Road and Todd Pleis Drive. When the victim exited his vehicle, a gunman got out of the back seat of the black car, fired a shot, and then yelled to his accomplices “get in his car.” The victim drove off at a high rate of speed and was stopped by an officer on Sawyer Brown Road where he reported the attempted robbery.

Alright, now here’s my guess, and we’re just going to have to take it for granted that these guys are morons of the highest caliber. I think these guys are completely hopped up on adrenaline, at the very minimum. It’s not enough that they got compliance to the second victim in the article here — they needed to fire one off as well, because hey — it’s thrilling.

I can’t really think of anything too much worse than a bunch of thrill-seeking, marauding teens with guns. It’s borderline miraculous no one got hurt. The only real way to put people like these off the streets is with a highly-armed populace — and there’s no way we’re going to see all of Nashville armed anytime soon.

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