Housing Developer To Tenants: You Can’t Have Guns On Property

A housing developer recently enforced a new rule that states any tenants cannot possess or carry firearms. Or anyone in the building for that matter.

NJ2AS.com reports on this finding:

We were made aware that this sign was posted at RPM’s Richardson Lofts at 50 Columbia Street, Newark NJ. A search of RPM’s available properties (http://www.rentatrpm.com) shows they have multiple properties and buildings throughout NJ.

We are interested to see what criminals will think of this silly sign and policy. Given that all of Newark is a gun-free zone (yet leads the state with the highest level of crime and violence) we are confident these signs and policy will only attract rapists, murderers, and gang members. We are sure they will abide by RPM’s policy and not commit any crimes (with guns) now that they know their tenants are defenseless.

We’re talking about New Jersey here, and we all know that the state as a whole is not all that gun friendly. However, people do own firearms and want them at their home and/or apartments. A policy such as this is just… silly.

The notice states the following:


Effective as of May 1, 2018 this building will be a firearm free building. No one will be permitted to store, or carry a gun or rifle, or any other type of firearm of any kind in the building, or on the grounds. If it is discovered that you do have a firearm of any kind on this property, you will receive a Notice to Cease, followed by a Notice to Vacate.

Please be guided accordingly. If you have any questions about this, please contact David S. Steinberg, Esq., RPM’s General Counsel, at 973-744-5410 ext. 150.

Maybe they had a problem with firearms in the past or maybe they just want to make the policy change for other reasons. Who knows. All I know is that I’d never live in a location that was trying to force me to either move or get rid of my firearms. Of course, the clear choice here is to move. And possibly take legal action.

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