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Homeowner Shoots Intruder As Hurricane Harvey Hits

CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS — He thought he was smart enough to break into someone’s home the middle of a disaster, but not smarter than the homeowner that was prepared for this exact scenario.

Here’s the story from CBS News;

A homeowner shot an alleged intruder in Corpus Christi, Texas, just as Hurricane Harvey was making landfall late Friday night, police confirmed to CBS News.

The victim was taken to a local hospital, and was coherent when police arrived on scene, the Corpus Christi Police Department said on Twitter.

Officers responded to the residents and found that he had been shot in the head, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times reports. It was unclear if the residence had power Friday night.

I confess that while I was reading the news, I got a little confused about the “victim” quoted in the article. I had to read it again, just to check if something had happened with the homeowner. The bad guy is not a victim, he is an intruder!

The term ‘victim’, in my mind, should be reserved for people who were innocent. Regardless of the official definition, it seems that the ‘victim’ role does not fit the bad guy. Unless, he’s “a victim of his own stupidity”. That flows a little better.

This exact story is why we were just talking about which firearms you keep close during a hurricane (or any other disaster that could come your way). We had opened a discuss to share ideas and opinions between the readers. One of them is already prepared for a quick departure:

Are you prepared? Let us know about your best way out under special circumstances.

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