
“I Had To Take Care Of Things”: Mother Scares Off Intruder With Her Gun

HOUSTON, TX — One mom whose husband was out of town and whose infant daughter was counting solely on her the Thursday before Christmas knew exactly what to do when her home was attacked.

She produced her Equalizer, and sent the bad guy packing.

She didn’t even need to pull the trigger, either.

As KSAT reports:

The mother was at home with the family’s 3-month-old daughter Thursday night. Her husband was out of town working, but was coming home Friday to celebrate the first Christmas with their daughter.

After tossing and turning in bed for a while, the mother was not able to fall asleep and went to the living room around 11:30 p.m. About an hour later, she heard the home alarm beep and her back door open. Her instinct kicked in.

“I froze for a second and then I realized I needed to spring into action, I mean, I had my baby in the house. I was alone. My husband was away on business, so I had to take care of things,” she said.

She grabbed a gun and went towards the back door, where she found a man standing in her kitchen. She yelled at the man while pointing the gun at him, and her dog ran towards him, scaring him out of the back door.

She locked the door and called 911.

Houston authorities were on the scene in minutes.

She had to take care of things, and she did. I have no doubt she was terrified — anyone with sense would be.

But she came through — that’s about the definition of courage.

When you’re out, whether you’re a man or a woman, make sure your partner knows how to defend your shared home.

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