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Miami Barber Stabbed While Working, Shoots Attacker To End Attack

MIAMI, FLORIDA — A man was hospitalized following an altercation so fierce that he was forced to shoot his attacker to save his own life.

Serban Berigete, 45, is the owner of a local barber shop, and it was at that shop where all this trouble broke loose.

“From what I know, my Dad was in the barbershop all the way in the back washing his hands and a guy came in with a switchblade like a razor in his pocket and when he came in he really didn’t communicate or say ‘is anyone there?’ He just went in back and attacked my dad and he defended himself,” said Jennefer Beriguete, his daughter, according to CBS Miami.

The attack seems to have been completely random.

“I have no idea why he did this,” she said.

“Maybe it was a client of my dad’s. Maybe something went south. Nothing is really confirmed. Everyone said it just happened so fast that they had no idea why it happened. Everybody loves my dad.”

After being stabbed, Serban Berigete produced a firearm and shot his assailant. Both of them were taken to the local hospital, listed in serious condition.

The attacker eventually died of his wounds.

Jennefer continues to be troubled about the ordeal, as one can probably imagine.

“The world is a crazy place,” she noted.

“I just hope that nothing super crazy happens beyond this. My dad is in pretty serious condition according to the social worker with him. He said he is recovering and he is conscious right now. We hope he stabilizes before we can speak with him and we have to wait for police to talk to him first anyhow.”

She suspects that the attacker might have had mental health issues.

Given the limited substance of this narrative, it’s hard to say definitively — but that seems like a good assumption.

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