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Random Attack: Nearly Naked Intruder Violently Attacks Family, Is Shot And Killed By Armed Occupant

CYPRESS, TX — An entire family was forced to work in concert to eliminate the threat posed by a near-naked man who forced his way into the home of Pastor Lorenzo Martinez and his wife, Gloria Martinez.

KTRK reports that the intruder — who has not yet been identified — was shot and killed after he kicked his way into a home packed with family.

“The door is kicked in and that’s how the family wakes up to discover the intruder in the residence,” Sgt. Felipe Rivera with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office stated according to KTRK.

Having been woke up by what must have been a pretty incredible noise, they didn’t have much time to react before they were fighting for their lives.

“He just started hitting my dad then he hit my mom, then my brother woke up and my brother started hitting him,” said adult daughter Naarai Olvera.

“He just kept attacking, he would not stop,” she said later. “He wasn’t running from anybody. He was attacking. In my opinion, he was in an attacking mode.”

Eventually her brother-in-law, who was also at the house, was forced to shoot and kill the intruder — there just wasn’t any choice.

“We are a Christian family, we don’t believe in killing anybody,” said Olvera. “But we had to do what we had to do to protect our family and protect our little kids.”

I’m a Christian, too — but the fact is that sometimes you have to do what you have to do to protect your family and loved ones.

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