
Father Shoots Son After Son Tries To Run Him Over With Car

FORTH WORTH, TEXAS — In a tragic incident of necessary self-defense, a father was forced to shoot his own son after he tried to run him over.

Dallas News reports that the father and son had a major argument on April 18, and the altercation became violent when the son actually attempted to run him over with his car.

That’s attempted murder, and employing of deadly force was the only thing the father could do to defend himself.

He shot his own son in the chest.

Imagine how hard that must have been.

The son was taken to the hospital, where he was listed in critical condition according to Dallas News as of  April 19.

The father was initially briefly detained, but he was later released — it would seem that his shooting was deemed justifiable.

Neither the man’s or the son’s names were released, according to Dallas News.

This is a nightmare situation for any family, but it brings up an important question — does the use of deadly force exclude anyone due to ethical issues?

I know plenty of people — good, hardworking, and legally-armed folks, who wouldn’t shoot their own family members under any circumstances, even if it meant them losing their lives.

And who’s to say that they’re right or wrong? It’s an awful decision to make — one I would not want anyone to have to go through.

However, this father made the choice to defend himself, and he survived the encounter.

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