Three Reasons NOT To Carry A Revolver

By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns

I occasionally carry a Smith & Wesson 686 revolver (not shown) loaded with 135 gr. Hornady Critical Duty .357 Magnum cartridges. The Smithโ€™sย a heavy old thing that delivers a significant punch. And itย looks so good. In fact, I reckon a 686 with a 4โ€ณ barrel is the quintessential handgun. But there are good reasons not toย carry aย 686 or any other revolver . . .

1. Revolversย donโ€™t hold enough rounds

Perceived wisdom saysย most gunfights are a three-fer: three yards, three seconds, three rounds. If that heldย true for every defensive gun use,ย a five-shot snub-nosed revolver would be perfectlyย adequate for armed self-defense. In fact, youโ€™d end up with two extra rounds!

Well, thereโ€™s no trustworthy data supporting the 3/3/3 assertion. And even if we accept this ballisticย shibboleth, are you ready to bet your life that your gunfight will be like โ€œmostโ€ gunfights? โ€˜Cause most revolvers holdย six rounds.ย Given the chances of missing and/or encountering multiple attackers, thatโ€™s not a lot of ammo.

A proper semi-automatic handgun carries at least 12 rounds. What do I mean by proper semi-automatic handgun? A semi-automatic handgun that carries at least 12 rounds. My math skillsย are virtually non-existent, but I reckon thatโ€™s double the capacity of a six-shooter.

Now itโ€™s true that many gun owners schlepย diminutive semi-automatic firearms that stow sevenย rounds (six plusย one in the chamber). Andย some states curtail residentsโ€™ gun rights by limiting magazine capacity to 10 rounds. Thatโ€™s not a whole lot of extra capacity. But . . .

2. You canโ€™t reload a revolver

What? Sure you can! You can carry a speed loaderย and reload your revolver with another five or six rounds (count โ€™em, five or six). Or can you? As the Rabbi reminds us, the definition of an optimist is a revolver owner with a speedloader โ€” โ€™cause it sure ainโ€™t an easy thing to do when youโ€™re under fire.

Not easy unless your name is Massad Ayoob and/or youโ€™re willing to train hard at the skill of fast revolver reloading. And assuming youโ€™re willing to carry the extra ammo. If you are, youโ€™d be better advised to carry a semi-automatic pistol. The semiโ€™s ammunitionย magazines are slimmer. While initially complicated and daunting, theย reloading process is easier and thus faster. Much faster.

Is it theย difference between life and death? It could be. Why take that risk? Especially when . . .

3. Revolver triggers are difficult to master

Controlling a revolverโ€™s double-action trigger is not an impossible skill to master. In fact, learning to do so makes the wheelgunโ€™s double-action trigger an excellent reason to own and practice with a revolver. If you can control a heavy double-action trigger โ€” and theyโ€™re all heavy โ€” a semi-automaticโ€™s trigger will be a doddle.

While Iโ€™m at it, many people consider the revolverโ€™s heavy double-action trigger an ideal safety feature. You shouldnโ€™t, but you can rest your finger on the trigger without torching-off a round. As, unfortunately, many people do.

But when allโ€™s said and done, the semiโ€™s trigger is lighter and easier to control than a revolverโ€™s. Asย your trigger press is one of, if not the most important variable when it comes to accuracy, more people are more accurate with a semi-automatic handgun than a revolver.

That said, many/most revolvers have an external hammer. You can cock the hammer and fire the gunย in single-action โ€” which gives youย just as light a trigger press as a semi-automatic.

If youโ€™re willing to master the revolverโ€™s double-action trigger or fire it in single action mode when push comes to shove . . . you still face the issues of capacity and reloading efficiency.

As always, any gun is better than no gun. If you like your revolver, keep your revolver! But if you do carry a revolver, practice the trigger press ad infinitum (dry firing does your gun no harm) and carry spare ammo.

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