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[HOLSTER REVIEWS] Squared Away Customs Alpha Holster & Spartan Holster

Squared Away Customs is a holster company out of New Hampshire and was founded early in 2013 by Mark A. Lancaster. Mark reached out one day in December of 2014 and I said ‘Great, another kydex holster company.’ I didn’t really, but you can’t argue that there are many out there that offer the same product with a different name.

Website: squaredawaycustoms.com
Facebook: facebook.com/squaredawaycustoms

But Squared Away Customs definitely had their own take on the kydex holster.

Today, we’re going to look at their flagship model, the Alpha Holster, as well as their Spartan Holster.

Squared Away Customs Alpha Holster

This heavy duty beauty looks and feels great. With the added customization, it’s a nice way to give your holster a little extra bling. Yea, I said bling.

Alpha is an inside the waistband holster that features a wide clip that allows for a nice and secure attachment to the belt. Typically worn around the 3-6 o’clock position, I found it most comfortable at 4.


As you can see from the image below, the clip is in a fixed position and cannot be adjusted. That’s ok, because they’ve given it a cant that the vast majority of people would use anyway.


In the review video at the top of the article, you can hear a really nice ‘click’ while placing the firearm inside the holster. The retention feels great, and they have done a fantastic job with it. As for the draw, it’s a nice smooth pull after a slight resistance. It’s the optimal retention setting for me.

It’s worth noting that this holster is not a tuckable design. In other words, you’re not going to be able to use this holster with a tucked in shirt. Sorry. (but the next holster down below is tuckable!)

Nice smooth edges, clean design, sturdy clip, awesome retention.

To check out the Alpha model, click here.

Squared Away Customs Spartan Holster

This holster is another great addition to their family and is an IWB holster that allows for a tucked shirt. Much like the holster above, they give you the option of many different designs that will add some flare (I mean bling) to your holster.

For attachment to the belt, the Spartan gives you two nice loops to securely hold everything into place. Unlike the Alpha above, the Spartan allows for you to adjust both the cant and ride height, giving you many options with three adjustment holes on each side.


And the best part in my eyes; that curved design. In the review video, I give a nice look at the curve that they’ve implemented into the design of this holster. What that does is this: it allows the holster to sit nicely with the natural curve of the hip. Translation: it’s not like wearing a brick on your side and is much more comfortable than using a kydex holster without said curve.

Great idea and implementation!


As far as retention goes, this holster is similar to the Alpha… it’s perfect. There is something to be said about a holster company that knows about retention. All too often, I’ve received holsters that were either too light or way too heavy on the retention side… both of which could cause problems.

To check out the Spartan model, click here.

All in all, these two holsters are of fantastic quality and come from a company that I have grown to love. If neither of these two holsters peaque your interest, why not take a moment to see their full line. You’re sure to find something you like.

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