
You Are The Best Advocate For Concealed Carry, And Some Friends Are Depending On Your Knowledge

When my friends find out that I carry, we start to talk. Most are interested in the topic and have never really … talked it through. I’ve had dozens of conversations that happen just like this and in the end, that friend is usually seriously considering a firearm for self-defense and concealed carry.

If you’re providing the correct information, you are the best advocate for concealed carry.

On a regular basis, I’ll post a little note on my Facebook page that let’s people know that I’m available for questions regarding concealed carry. Every single time, I get some bites from people that are genuinely interested in it. Why they didn’t approach me sooner is anyone’s guess, but it’s likely because of the simple hustle and bustle of day-t0-day life.

It’s time for us to actively participate in the conversation. No; initiate the conversation.

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned with Concealed Nation, it’s that there are thousands of people in this Country who are in fact interested, but they just don’t know where to start. What better starting line than a conversation with their friend. Heck, it’s a topic that you’re probably already pretty passionate about. If you weren’t, I bet you wouldn’t’ be reading this article right now.

The father of a good friend pulled me aside one day when I stopped in his work and said “Brandon, you carry. I’ve had my permit for 20 years but I don’t know what’s out there or what to carry. Got any tips?”

I smiled and asked when he was free for a trip to the range. Within a week, we made plans and met at an 8-lane range that we were both members of. I had one concealed carry pistol waiting at each lane so that he could go down the line and try out a nice variety.

His favorite? The Glock 43. His line of work has him moving around a lot in front of customers, and the 43 works for him in a pocket carry situation. I placed an order for a 43 and he picked it up when it came in.

But now he needed a holster and didn’t know where to turn.

“I got you covered, bud.”

While I do have an advantage here over most people (in respect to a ridiculous number of holsters that have been reviewed over the years), I had about 4 for him to try out … specifically for the 43. The end result was a really nice, molded pocket holster that we wound up buying on Ebay. Once it arrived, he gave it a shot and immediately loved it.

“Now for ammo? Of course you’ll want some JHP’s to feed that bad boy, and you might as well get some that you can train with as well.” He agreed and I happened to have some ‘in stock’ at the house. Freedom Munitions does a great job with this, as they’re affordable to train with and carry. For example, here’s a box of 50 9mm 115 gr. with XTP Hornady bullets for $19. That’s not a sponsored link or anything, I swear. It’s just a damn good deal for what you’re getting. If you want to see how it performs, check out this video.

After a few solid weeks and some trial and error, I got my friend’s father set up with a rig that he’s happy with and one that he’s comfortable with. He’s been training like hell ever since and getting used to the new firearm. He’s also carrying every day, and that’s something he hasn’t been doing for the last 20 years.

Not to fault him, but the talk was there for some time. The difference this time was the help he received, which kept the motivation and drive moving forward.

Don’t forget; most folks out there are working 9-5 jobs and have all sorts of things coming at them from all different directions. They get side tracked. It’s human nature. Things that they may want to do get shelved and forgotten, or simply seem too intimidating to accomplish in a timely manner.

This is where you can step in and offer assistance. As their friend, you can be the guiding light to get them on the path to concealed carry … if that’s a path they want to go down.

Without any pressure and armed with the proper knowledge, think about being this type of advocate for concealed carry. I guarantee that each one of you as at least one friend who is just waiting for the right, knowledgeable person to cross their path to begin the concealed carry discussion.

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