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Three Armed Intruders Waste No Time In Opening Fire On Homeowner — All Three Wind Up In Hospital

HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS — Investigators are still piecing together a violent shootout involving three suspected intruders and a homeowner in Northwest Harris County.  According to KPRC 2, witnesses are reporting that three men were prowling around the outskirts of a home and opened fire into the entryway where they believed the homeowner to be.  The homeowner returned fire, striking all three.  None were critically injured and all were able to self-evacuate to a nearby hospital where they were apprehended.

The video from the news report shows tell-tale signs of gunfire strafing the house — including the garage and front door.

Reportedly inside during the encounter were the homeowner’s family — including several very young children.

Unfortunately, this is a fantastic real-life example of home intruders not coming merely to burglarize a home for valuables.  This constitutes an outright assault upon the life of the homeowner and his family, with no regard paid to who sees them do it.

Neighbors reportedly witnessed the event taking place and were mostly powerless to help.  It truly came down to good, judicious marksmanship, a bit of luck, and thankfully a reliable gun.  Homeowners and concealed carriers take note — this is reality.

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