Chicago Archbishop: No Guns In Church

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — I respect a person’s opinion on nearly any topic, but I simply can’t wrap my head around a statement like this:

I surely would be supportive of not having any firearms in our churches; it’s not an appropriate venue.

This statement would be perfect if spoken about a criminal, like the man who gunned down members of a congregation in South Carolina last month. However, this statement doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me when speaking about responsible and legal concealed carriers who would like to carry at church.

With respect, I ask Archbishop Blase Cupich the burning question: If another bad person comes through the doors of a church in the future to gun down others, who will be there to stop that bad person?

If you tell everyone “No Guns In Church”, you may find yourself with no one around that can do any good before the destruction is done.

There are two types of people who would use a firearm in church: Those who look to take innocent lives, and those who look to protect innocent lives.

Please, make the right decision.

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