
PBS Has A Gun Control Poll And The Results Are Amazing

PBS began an online poll this past Sunday and has already seen over 100,000 votes. The poll came on the same day that the nation remembered the terrible events of the Sandy Hook shooting and asked the following question: Would you support more restrictions on guns in your state?

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Before the poll, the article points out the changes that Connecticut put into effect after the incident, such as:

  • Made background checks universal for all gun and ammunition purchases
  • Limited the ability of the mentally ill to purchase guns
  • Outlawed more than 100 additional assault weapons, including the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle that Adam Lanza used in the Sandy Hook shooting
  • Banned large capacity magazines holding more than 10 rounds

For the answers, you had three choices (seen below). Just look at the numbers for ‘NO’ verses ‘YES’.

ScreenHunter_31 Dec. 17 23.04

I’m not sure exactly where all of these votes are coming from, but it seems that the overwhelming majority of voters have come to the conclusion that these laws do very little, if anything at all, to prevent another mass shooting from occurring.

Common sense prevails.

PS: It’s not too late to cast your vote.

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