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Robbers Be Warned: Convenience Store Clerks Won’t Be Easy Prey

HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA — Another thug gets shot by a convenience store clerk. You would think after a dramatic spike in convenience store clerks defending themselves, armed robbers would start to get the hint. Well, this one will have more than just a hint to think about.

According to the Washington Times, an unidentified man attempted to rob a neighborhood convenience store located near downtown Harrisburg. There were two clerks present at the time. The one working at the register had the privilege of being the first person the robber saw. Unfortunately for the robber, there was another clerk. That clerk was armed with a gun.

Police say the armed clerk shot the robber and the robber fled, leaving behind him a trail of blood.

So, no doubt, this robber will need to get some medical attention before that wound turns septic.

Is it even worth it?

These convenience store robberies that we’ve followed at Concealed Nation have run the gamut. We’ve had robbers come in armed with only a knife. We’ve had robbers come in with a BB gun.

Guess what? It works out the same.

What do these guys even have to gain in this?

In most cases, we’re talking less than $200 in the till and maybe some tobacco products — that’s the most there is to gain. That medical bill is going to be way more expensive than the score would have been worth.

This is just stupid, bad behavior. Anyone with a modicum of business sense would see that there’s way too much risk for way too little reward. At the rate of what the average armed robber stands to gain, he could work a minimum wage job for a full week and earn almost three times as much.

Best of all, working a minimum wage job usually doesn’t result in getting shot.

Even though the robber got away, unless he spent his creative years getting a medical degree, he’s going to need to visit a hospital. Bullet wounds don’t just magically heal — especially if the bullet is still lodged inside. Our guess is he has about three days before he shows up in an Urgent Care trying to play this one off as a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Let’s see if the Harrisburg PD buys it for a moment.

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