
Guess How Many Concealed Carry Applications DC Has Received Since They Began Accepting Them Last Month

While it’s proving difficult to receive a concealed carry permit in DC since a judge overturned the ban, our Nation’s capital is still accepting permit applications. Even after you hand in your completed application, you still are not able to complete the 16-hour classroom course requirements (plus 2 hours of live fire training) because officials have not yet certified any instructors to provide the classes.

Since the necessary requirements are yet to be implemented, it may be the reason why DC has only seen a total of 38 applications submitted. That’s right, out of a population of 646,000 people, they’re averaging about one application per day. And you’d better have a damn good reason to apply.

Meanwhile, the judge that overturned the concealed carry ban is now weighing the option to hold the District in contempt of court for setting up the very restrictive new laws for obtaining the permit.

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