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Tennessee Toddler Dies After Being Shot by Sibling Who Found Loaded Handgun in Home

CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE — A 2-year-old boy died Wednesday night after he was shot by another child in the home who had gained access to a loaded handgun that had been left unsecured. Clarksville police say the tragic incident occurred around 10 p.m. at a house in the 3400 block of Pembroke Road where three children under the age of four live. 

The boyfriend of the children’s mother was arrested on unrelated charges and was identified as 31-year-old Julian Chester. Police have not said if any charges are pending against either Chester or the children’s mother.

Once again, we are sickened and angered by the irresponsibility, and stupidity, of adult(s) who have one task…to keep the children that they are responsible for safe…and they can’t be bothered to do that.

Aside from the fact that this is a tragedy where an innocent child lost his life, it only goes to prove how dangerous firearms are in the possession of adults who don’t know how to, or can’t be bothered to, properly secure them from children or anyone else who may not be capable of acting responsibly. Additionally, it makes all gun owners look bad, and gives the gun control zealots another example of why no one should have a gun.

As responsible gun owners, we need to step up and do our part.  If you know anyone who has children in their home…anyone…relatives, co-workers, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, etc., do your best to have a tactful, yet respectful conversation with them about securing their firearms at all times. You may save a child’s life by doing so.

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