Anti-Gun Democratic Senator Arrested During Ferguson Protest And Found With Loaded Handgun

Missouri state Senator Jamilah Nasheed was arrested Monday night during a protest outside of a local police department in honor of Missouri teenager Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by a police officer last month.

What’s a bit surprising and unsettling about the arrest is the fact that she was carrying a loaded 9mm handgun and extra rounds of ammunition. And this is coming from a woman who sponsored several “anti-gun” bills in her state. Police also say that she “smelled strongly of intoxicants” and then refused to take a breathalyzer test.

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The following day, Nasheed that she was not intoxicated at the time of the arrest and explained that she does have her concealed carry permit. She was reportedly arrested for failure to obey lawful order of police and manner of walking in the roadway after she and her fellow protesters refused to move off the street. Nasheed says that it was a “symbolic arrest” and that she wanted to send a “message to the protesters that we can protest peacefully and that we must protest peacefully and that we want justice for Michael Brown.”

Nasheed has sponsored several anti-gun bills including one amendment that would “require gun owners to report a firearm stolen within 72 hours.”  She also pushed for a bill that would mandate any “parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school shall notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that such parent or guardian owns a firearm within thirty calendar days” of enrollment.

The NRA-ILA has labeled her as “anti-gun” due to her sponsorship of several Missouri Bills including a defacto Gun Owner Registry and other failed attempts at attacking our 2nd Amendment rights.

Here are some of the bills;

And now, a word from Brandon:

The fact that police stated that Nasheed “smelled strongly of intoxicants” is of serious concern, regardless of whether she stated anything to the contrary. If any alcohol were present in her system, her permit to carry a firearm should be revoked immediately, due to her irresponsibility. With her refusal to take a breathalyzer, it may be safe to assume she had something to hide.

The followers of Concealed Nation have come to a consensus that drinking while carrying a firearm is a big no-no because, you know, common sense.

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