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Armed Robber Finds Out The Hard Way That One Of His Targets Is Also Armed

Good people with guns have been creating problems for bad people since the beginning. When a story comes across my desk about an armed citizen defending themselves with their own gun against a bad guy, I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time.

This one is no different, and shows an armed robber casually walking into a barbershop and announcing a robbery via gun-in-face. Luckily, the robber’s gun jams when he tries to pop off a warning shot, allowing the barber to make a move.

The barber isn’t the other person that’s armed, though. It’s his client, who happens to be an off-duty police officer.

It wasn’t a smooth transaction, though. Just because you carry a gun doesn’t mean you’ll do a perfect job defending, and it also doesn’t mean that you’ll win the fight. In this case, the good guys prevailed, but not without multiple lessons to learn.

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