• There’s An App For That — Homeowner Spots Intruder On Surveillance App, Father Comes To The Rescue

    TAMPA, FLORIDA — When a woman used a home surveillance app to monitor a potential break-in, she called her father to come by the home and investigate. According to surveillance footage taken from the scene, Michael Stewart, 23, was caught rummaging through her possessions with socks on his hands. Her father arrived at the scene…

  • [CCW IN ACTION] 91-Year-Old Man Shoots Attempted Robber Outside Rite-Aid

    EASTPOINTE, MICHIGAN — Fearing for his life, a 91-year-old man shot an armed robber in the throat after the suspect approached him outside a Rite Aid. According to the victim, he saw the suspect acting erratic as he approached him outside his local neighborhood pharmacy. The concealed carrier warned the man to stay back and…

  • Would-be Car-jacker Picks Armed Female ‘Victim’

    MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE — Looking for an easy target? Think again. A suspected car-jacker attempted to force a woman out of her car outside Memphis. Thankfully, she was armed. All it took, according to Memphis 5 News, was for the woman to pull her handgun before the thief took off. He was picked up out of…

  • Family Dollar Robbery Suspect Shot By Concealed Carrier

    CLEVELAND, OHIO — When an armed robber attempted to take down a Family Dollar, he probably wasn’t expecting to run into a concealed carrier. With more concealed carriers in the United States than ever before, that’s a bad bet to make. According to FOX 8 News, police are still investigating the scene that took place.…

  • Bad Guy With Machete Vs. Armed Citizen: Who Wins? Everyone.

    BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA — A couple went to go pick up their belongings when Concepcion Vega, 33, began yelling at the man. When yelling didn’t get the point across, Vega went inside and got a machete. He came out and began swinging it around violently. Well, that’s about enough of that. Fearing for his life,…

  • Concealed Carrier Killed In Ambush, Shot Attacker Before Death

    DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA — In what appears to be a preplanned ambush, Bobby E. Willis III, 30, walked right into his assassin, Ricky Kelly, 32, outside a convenience store. Kelly allegedly opened fire on Willis, fatally striking him. Willis was a licensed concealed carrier who just moved from Miami to Daytona Beach. Laid on the…

  • Things Don’t Always Go As Planned: Girlfriend Killed During Shootout With Intruder

    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA — As a couple returned home, they were surprised at the door when a man emerged from the shadows and allegedly said, ‘you know what this is.’ That robber, who was armed with a handgun, probably thought that implied the homeowner knew he was going to get robbed. What happened, however,…

  • Woman Testifies Against Armed Assailant In Parking Garage — Why We Carry

    LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY — A prior felon out on probation is being accused of first degree robbery and attempted murder after he assaulted a woman returning to her car in a parking garage. Surveillance footage showed him entering the same elevator as the woman and then later following her to her car. Thankfully, she was armed.…

  • Armed Clerk Draws Pistol, Stops Armed Robber

    CINCINNATI, OHIO — The tables get turned on an armed robber who brazenly walked into a gas station with his pistol drawn. The clerk was a licensed concealed carrier and seeing the surgical gloves, handgun, and mask, quickly figured out what was going on and let his training take over. He managed to score one…