Dan Zimmerman
Details that have been revealed in the aftermath of last week’s horrific Parkland, Florida school shooting have revealed a Keystone Cops-like response to reports of the shooter’s disturbing behavior by the hapless sleuths at the FBI. Despite the gunman’s open declaration of wanting to shoot up a school and a variety of erratic behavior, the Fibbies utterly…
PRINEVILLE, OR — Larry Hoevet and Kenneth McBeth knew each other, but the relationship apparently wasn’t a good one. In fact, according to news reports, McBeth and Hoevet “were longtime acquaintances with a recent past history of physical aggression.” So they were evidently sideways enough that McBeth wasn’t someone Hoevet wanted to find on his property.…
WALHALLA, SC — Tyler Broome was something of a problem. The budding young felon had been caught trespassing on Robert McDowell’s property in northwest South Carolina before, as recently as last summer. Oconee County Sheriff’s spokesman Jimmy Watts says that Broome “had been served with a trespass notice from the same address on Quarter Horse…
So-called ‘stand your ground’ laws have been allegedly controversial since the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case back in 2012. The fact that the Florida’s stand your ground law was never used as a defense during the Zimmerman prosecution didn’t seem to matter. Anti-gunners seized on the issue — now on the books in twenty-four states —…
ORANGE COUNTY, NC — Coyotes are increasingly becoming a problem as metro areas expand, bringing with them pets, garbage and other potential food sources. It’s happening nation-wide with the critters being seen — and attacking people and eating family friends — from Boston to Austin to the Twin Cities to LA to Seattle. Keep in mind that the…
COLLINSVILLE, IL — Being in reasonable fear of death or grievous bodily harm is generally the standard by which a defensive gun use is judged. If someone threatens you with, say, a can of bean in his hand, you may have trouble convincing a prosecutor that shooting him was a reasonable course of action. There…
FRIDLEY, MN — Every time there’s a proposal to reduce restrictions on gun ownership and expand the right to carry a firearm, our friends in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex trot out the same old tired talking points to argue why less regulation is a really bad idea. Besides wrote predictions of Dodge City-like violence…
CATAWBA COUNTY, NC — You’ve read stores like this one before. Three wayward yoots got it in their heads that they were going to break into a home to steal some cash/drugs/guns. But…oops! Much to their surprise, the target of the robbery attempt was armed and knew how to use his gun. Catawba County deputies…